Thank you for inquiring about a donation from BannerBee Company LLC to support your nonprofit organization/charity event.

Each year, BannerBee Company LLC allocates a budget to support community activities through contributions. We are pleased to do our part to assist your organization’s programs. However, due to the large volume of requests we are unable to accommodate everyone. If a donation is granted, you will be notified by email.

Please note the following:

  • BannerBee Company LLC does not make cash donations.
  • Simply submitting a request does not ensure it will be fulfilled.
  • We ask that you please refrain from following up to check the status of your request.
  • If a donation is made to your organization/event, BannerBee Company LLC is authorized to use your organization’s name as a donation recipient in any of our marketing or advertising.

Please complete + submit this form at least 14 days prior to the event date to give us time to process your request.  Submit to:


Organization Information

Name of Organization:

Tax ID #:

Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:



Zip Code:

Phone #:



Requesting Individual’s Information

Your name:

Your title:


Phone #:


About Your Organization and/or Event

What is the purpose of your organization and/or event?



Is this a for-profit or nonprofit organization?


Donation Information

Donation you are requesting:


How will the donation be utilized? Please be specific.


Date of the event:

Date donation is required by: